You will have a follow up with Dr. Lovy in approximately 2 weeks. This appointment has already been scheduled for you. If you are uncertain of your follow up appointment please contact the office at 561-922-9112.
If you have any questions or concerns before this appointment, please do not hesitate to call Dr. Lovy’s office at 561-922-9112.
– Keep the dressing clean, dry and intact. Please inspect the incision daily for increasing redness or swelling, or increased drainage from the incision. Contact our office if you are concerned about changes like these, or if you measure an oral temperature above 101 F. Your sutures will stay in place for two weeks after surgery.
– Do not remove your dressing prior to your 2 week follow up.
– You may shower as long as your dressing is in place, your dressing is waterproof
– Brace is to be on at all times unless showering, dressing or working on wrist and hand range of motion. No range of motion of the shoulder overhead or out away from your body.
– Elbow range of motion will be allowed after your 2 week follow up appointment.
– Shoulder range of motion exercises will begin along with physical therapy after your 6 week appointment.
– Your sutures will be removed at your 2 week postoperative follow up appointment
– Keep the hand elevated as much as possible, this will minimize swelling and help reduce post operative pain
– You should use ice intermittently as well to diminish swelling
– Move your thumb/wrist/fingers 10 times every hour when awake. It is critical that you FULLY straighten and FULLY bend your fingers into a TIGHT FIST every hour when awake to prevent stiffness and reduce finger swelling.
– You may view this video for additional finger exercises:
– Do not push, pull, or grasp anything heavy with your operative hand.
– During surgery you have received a regional (at the shoulder) anesthetic block. Your sensation should return to normal within approximately 12 – 24 hours. Do not be alarmed if your anesthetic block lasts longer, everyone has slightly different responses to the anesthetic used.
– You should begin taking Acetaminophen (Tylenol) AND Ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil) on a schedule before your nerve block wears off and before you experience pain
– Acetaminophen (Tylenol) 1000 mg every 6 hours should be used as your primary pain control. Do not exceed 4000 mg of acetaminophen in a 24 hour period.
– Ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil) 600 mg every 6 hours should be added as a secondary method of pain control to acetaminophen as directed above.
– You can also take 500mg of Vitamin C daily for the next 50 days. This will also help with your postoperative pain control.
– It is best to take pain medication before your pain begins. This will allow you to take less medication yet have better pain relief.
– For the first 2-3 days after surgery, it is helpful to take your pain medication on a regular schedule and keep pain under control.
– After the first couple days, you should begin to take less pain medication each day until you no longer need any.
– If prescribed, use narcotic medication sparingly. If a narcotic pain medication is prescribed it can cause numerous side effects including nausea, constipation, sedation and confusion.
– Narcotics should be used judiciously as they can have serious adverse effects
– Narcotic medication should only be taken for breakthrough pain not controlled by acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Narcotic pain medication should NOT be taken as a first line method of pain control.
– Do not operate machinery while on narcotics.
– Do not take narcotic pain medication on an empty stomach; this may lead to nausea and vomiting.
– Abstain from alcohol while taking narcotic pain medication.
– Should not drive, operate heavy machinery, ride motorcycles or ATVs or take other drugs that make you tired or sleepy while taking narcotic pain medication.
– Do not participate in dangerous activity while taking narcotic pain medication, as it can decrease your ability to make safe decisions
– May cause constipation requiring a stool softener while narcotic pain medication is being used.